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News and photos from Tanzania

Unemployment is one of the challenges we're facing in my area. In that picture, I bring the youths together to equip them with skills acquisition and equally bring them closer to God. I'm looking forward to establishing a skill acquisition training center where interested, orphans and underprivileged youths will be trained in the following areas and get their certificate of training:

1. Catering & Event Management Course

2. Baking & Cosmetic Course

3. Production & Marketing Course

This will help the work of God to grow and create more impact in the life of believers.

Currently working hard to get a land to kickstart, however, this picture was one from the program I went for in Uganda in the year 2019.

I started my youths empowerment programs in the year 2017.

The empowerment program started in Nigeria because I was invited to come and train some youths in Uganda.

I've other places I took the youth empowerment programs to. Some of the pictures are in my stolen laptop.

I pray for the grace of God to make way for me as I strive to give my all to His people.

This picture is me negotiating business with people from Pakistan to see how I can Partner with them for paint and cosmetic production.

I'm just an Envagelizer, I don't have Church where I'm a full time minister but I'm looking forward to being a full time minister of the gospel.

Thanks so much and remain blessed.

Godsent Malachy


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